World Diabetes Day - 2022
The Department of Clinical Nutrition, Malabar Medical College Hospital & Research Centre celebrated World Diabetes Day 2022 on November 14th 2022. The inaugural ceremony was arranged near reception area, ground floor, hospital block at 10:30 am. The Diabetic Day theme for this year was “Access to Diabetic Education”. The Welcome Address was delivered by Dr. Kanniyan Binub (Deputy Medical Director) followed by Inaugural Address by Dr. Ravindran M.K. (Medical Superintendent). Dr. Dinesh M.K. (Deputy Medical Superintendent) felicitated the function.
Session on “Diabetic control” was given by Dr. Midhun M. (Professor, Department of General Medicine), ensuing topic ‘Diabetic Nephropathy” was discussed by Dr. Sanju Rajappan (Sr. Consultant, Department of Nephrology) and then Dr. Jijo (Consultant, Department of Plastic Surgery) held the session on “Diabetic foot”. Thereafter Question & Answer session was held for the audience. The vote of thanks was given by Ms. Asha (Sr. Consultant, Dept. of Clinical Nutrition). Further Diabetic Expo was declared open till 3 pm.